Adults | Young Families Connect

June 2 - December 1

1st Sunday Each Month | 10:15a | The Loft

Calling all young married couples & young families! We know how important finding real community is, yet how difficult it can be. Our new Young Marrieds/Young Families connect is a place where this big church can feel a bit smaller and help you connect with people who are in a similar season of life as you. Join us every first Sunday of the Month in the Loft during 2nd service for breakfast & a time to get to know other young marrieds and young families. Have kids? Drop them off at Kids Ministry, then come on up to the Loft so you can connect with other couples without having to keep an eye on your little ones! Don’t have kids? You’re not alone – come upstairs & start sharing life with others in a similar season of life. Single parent with younger kids? We see you too & would love if you joined us! Don’t do life alone – come to the young marrieds/young families connect and find your people!