It's All About Jesus.

It's all about Jesus. Whether we're on a snow covered mountain, a dodgeball court, or in a worship center - it's all about Jesus, all the time. Come hang with us one of these days and find out why we're so crazy about this guy. Check the video below to get a little taste of who we are!


Our vision is that every student in Santa Maria would find and follow Christ for life. Our mission is to love and encourage students towards Christ by leveraging intentional programs. Our strategy involves programs that accomplish effective community outreach, intentional relationship development, holistic discipleship training, and first-class leadership equipping.

All About Jesus
John 1:1-5
All of life points to the person and work of Jesus. With that said, we believe that every interaction is a Jesus interaction. Every conversation with a student, every game played together, every worship song sung, every car ride, and everything else are all opportunities for Jesus to be glorified!

Ecclesiastes 3:11-13
Jesus, the Creator of all things, invented fun. And because Jesus is the Author of fun, His people have the opportunity to throw the BEST kinds of parties! Fun is a great tool for bringing people to Christ. Jesus is to be awed and respected, but He is also to be enjoyed! As Jesus followers, we believe that Jesus invented fun, so let’s party!


1 Cor 2:1-5; 2 Cor 12:9-10
We get to be exactly who God made us to be and to be met right where we are…complete with flaws, weakness, struggles, and failures. It is our brokenness that unites us in pursuit of a Savior, and it is our authenticity that allows our brokenness to be used for good.  We believe we are a hospital for broken people, not a museum for good ones.


Psalm 139:13-18; Luke 15:1-7
Of all the places in the world and all the moments in time we could have been alive, we are where we are, when we are. Jesus created us uniquely and with a unique purpose.. We all were made in God’s Image and carry inherent dignity, value, and worth. In the midst of a big church that has big events, we choose to see the individual and get to know people personally. Groups are made up of individuals, and group leaders who don’t know the individuals aren’t leading a group. We believe that every persons’ name, story, and gifts matter.


Matthew 10:39; 1 Peter 4:8-11
Jesus said that if we lay our lives down to serve Him, we will find the full life that we were meant to live. As servants we trust that by the power of the Holy Spirit, serving others will not only change us but also have the potential to change the world. Many Biblical scholars believe that most of the disciples were teenagers. If Jesus chose teenagers to bring His message to the world, we do too. We believe the Holy Spirit can use teenagers to change the world through serving others.

Spring/Summer '24 Calendars

There are so many ways to worship Jesus and connect with others this Summer!
Tap the buttons below for the full Spring & Summer (May - Aug) calendars!

Junior High

Lip Sync Battle, Backyard Mission Trip, The Ravine, and more!

Tap here for JHi Calendar!

High School

Senior Events, Serve at VBS, Lip Sync, and more!

Tap here for HS Calendar!

Student Impact Team Application

Student Impact Team members recognize that serving others is one of the highest callings in the life of a Christian. Student Impact team members go the extra mile time and again because Jesus first went the extra mile for us. In response to what Christ has done, Student Impact team does for others. Come be a part of a culture-making team this school year!

Manage Your Events

Raised Funds Access

Did you raise money at the Fireworks Booth? Use this link to apply your money to an event registration!

Apply Fireworks Money

Scholarship Application

Apply for a scholarship for an upcoming event.

Apply Here

Manage Registration

Manage existing registrations: make a payment, edit information, cancel registration, and more.

Manage Your Registration

Resources | Watch Online


Devotionals and helpful resources for parents and students



Live Broadcasts, Sermon Archive, Right Now Media

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Connect With Us

Email our team by tapping their image below, or find us on Social Media!

Josh Schack

Student & Young Adult Pastor

Alicia Pischke

Students Admin

Danielle Marsh

Junior High Lead

Kyle Maxwell

Students Production Lead

Olivia Hardaway

Students Media Lead