We believe that faith without works is dead. Serving and giving back with our time and talents is a form of worship. We at First Christian Church desire to provide numerous opportunities for anyone and everyone to serve and get plugged in. From volunteering at FCC, to doing missions around the world, we are confident that you can find an amazing ministry to team up with here at FCC. We have many opportunities to serve! Below, check out ways to volunteer your gifts, passions, and talents for God’s glory!

Serve Opportunities

Serving is an important part of growth. Here at FCC we not only want to encourage you to grow through serving, we also strive to provide ways for you to do so!
Below are some of the ways you can serve within Adult Ministries:
Small Groups (Leadership)
Small Groups (Host At Your Home)
Teach a Sunday Class
Welcome Team (Greeting)
Welcome Team (Info Booth)
Men’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry
Seniors Ministry
We will provide all of the training, resources, and encouragement needed for you to succeed!
If you are interested in getting involved in any of the above areas please email Pastor Don.

FCC is growing. Every week, our sanctuary is full of new people, and often they bring their kids. We are seeing unprecedented growth and while that is good, we NEED more volunteers to care for and teach them. If you have a heart for kids, please contact us below. We cannot do this without you!

Email Our Team!


If you’d get involved in student ministry, you’d be coming alongside students at a crucial time of their lives. Teenage years are the years where students are figuring out who they are going to be – in other words, they’re seeking their identity. Join the fight to speak truth, life, and Christ-centered identity into the lives of students!

Though the war has been won by Jesus, there is still a battle to fight. Come fight with us! Click here to get started.


Our Young Adults are looking for authentic men and women to mentor and encourage them. If you love talking theology, sharing about life, and want to make an impact, serving in Young Adults is for you. Click here to get started.

We would love to get you involved and there are many ways to get connected! Consider joining one of our women’s ministry teams or participate in one of our events or Bible studies. There are also many opportunities to participate in such as our Ladies’ Night Of Worship, Retreats, Annual Bazaar, Bunco Night, Christmas Tea, and many others!
If you are interested in connecting with Women’s ministry, please contact Ginny Spier
Our desire is create an atmosphere and environment that draws people in, points them to Christ and to shepherd people in life transformation through Him. We firmly believe that Christ serves as the bridge, reconnecting the imperfect to a perfect God. Our passion is to do everything in love and excellence.
The Worship Ministry is built around teams of people, working together in creative ways, to impact those in our church community.  These teams consist of: Band, Vocals, Audio, Slides, Video, Lighting, Photography, and Environment (Stage/Design).
Please contact The Worship Department for more information on how you can get plugged in to the Worship Ministry.
Do you have a heart to serve the amazing special needs families at FCC? We are currently accepting volunteers to assist us in a number of capacities. We will provide you with comprehensive training so that you can become a member of our team of champions! To get started, please email Pastor Matt.

We would love for you to serve in the FCC Coffee Shop! Our volunteers serve the church by making smoothies and coffee drinks every Sunday morning. It’s busy and fast paced, but a great chance to meet new people and interact with the church! 

If you are interested in volunteering in the coffee shop,
Sign Up Here


If you want to get involved but you are not sure where you fit in, contact us below and our team would love to help you get connected.

Fields marked with an * are required

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